Dynamical system model
No Matches
dsm Namespace Reference


class  AdjacencyMatrix
 The AdjacencyMatrix class represents the adjacency matrix of the network. More...
class  Agent
 The Agent class represents an agent in the network. More...
class  Counter
 The Counter class contains two counters to count input and output. More...
class  Dynamics
 The Dynamics class represents the dynamics of the network. More...
class  Edge
class  FirstOrderDynamics
class  Intersection
 The Intersection class represents a node in the network. More...
class  Itinerary
 The Itinerary class represents an itinerary in the network. More...
struct  Measurement
 The Measurement struct represents the mean of a quantity and its standard deviation. More...
class  Network
class  Node
 The Node class represents the concept of a node in the network. More...
class  Road
class  RoadDynamics
 The RoadDynamics class represents the dynamics of the network. More...
class  RoadNetwork
 The RoadNetwork class represents a graph in the network. More...
class  Roundabout
 The Roundabout class represents a roundabout node in the network. More...
class  SparseMatrix
 The SparseMatrix class represents a sparse matrix. More...
class  SpireStreet
 The SpireStreet class represents a street which is able to count agent flows in both input and output. More...
class  Station
class  StochasticSpireStreet
class  StochasticStreet
 A stochastic street is a street with a flow rate parameter. More...
class  Street
 The Street class represents a street in the network. More...
class  TrafficLight
class  TrafficLightCycle

Detailed Description

This file contains the definition of the Intersection class. The Intersection class represents a node in the road network. It is derived from the Node class and has a multimap of agents waiting to pass through the intersection. Agents are ordered by their angle difference, emulating real-world precedence.

This file contains the definition of the Roundabout class. The Roundabout class represents a roundabout node in the road network. It is derived from the Node class and has a queue of agents waiting to exit the roundabout.

This file contains the definition of the TrafficLightCycle and TrafficLight classes. The TrafficLightCycle class represents a cycle of a traffic light, with a green time and a phase. The TrafficLight class represents a traffic light intersection node in the road network. It is derived from the Intersection class and has a map of cycles for each street queue.