Dynamical system model
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CAdjacencyMatrixAdjacency matrix of the network
 CAgentAgent in the network
 CCounterTwo counters to count input and output
 CDynamicsThe Dynamics class represents the dynamics of the network
 CIntersectionNode in the network
 CItineraryItinerary in the network
 CMeasurementThe Measurement struct represents the mean of a quantity and its standard deviation
 CNodeConcept of a node in the network
 CRoadDynamicsThe RoadDynamics class represents the dynamics of the network
 CRoadNetworkGraph in the network
 CRoundaboutRoundabout node in the network
 CSparseMatrixThe SparseMatrix class represents a sparse matrix
 CSpireStreetStreet which is able to count agent flows in both input and output
 CStochasticStreetA stochastic street is a street with a flow rate parameter
 CStreetStreet in the network