Dynamical system model
No Matches
dsm::Graph Class Reference

The Graph class represents a graph in the network. More...

#include <Graph.hpp>

Public Member Functions

 Graph (const SparseMatrix< bool > &adj)
 Construct a new Graph object.
 Graph (const std::unordered_map< Id, std::unique_ptr< Street > > &streetSet)
 Construct a new Graph object.
 Graph (const Graph &other)
Graphoperator= (const Graph &other)
 Graph (Graph &&)=default
Graphoperator= (Graph &&)=default
void buildAdj ()
 Build the graph's adjacency matrix and computes max capacity.
void buildStreetAngles ()
 Build the graph's street angles using the node's coordinates.
void adjustNodeCapacities ()
 Adjust the nodes' transport capacity.
void importMatrix (const std::string &fileName, bool isAdj=true, double defaultSpeed=13.8888888889)
 Import the graph's adjacency matrix from a file. If the file is not of a supported format, it will read the file as a matrix with the first two elements being the number of rows and columns and the following elements being the matrix elements.
void importCoordinates (const std::string &fileName)
 Import the graph's nodes from a file.
void importOSMNodes (const std::string &fileName)
 Import the graph's nodes from a file.
void importOSMEdges (const std::string &fileName)
 Import the graph's streets from a file.
void exportMatrix (std::string path="./matrix.dsm", bool isAdj=true)
 Export the graph's adjacency matrix to a file.
void exportCoordinates (std::string const &path="./coordinates.csv")
 Export the nodes' coordinates to a file.
void addNode (std::unique_ptr< Node > node)
 Add a node to the graph.
template<typename node_t, typename... TArgs>
requires (std::is_base_of_v<Node, node_t>, std::constructible_from<node_t, Id, TArgs...>)
node_t & addNode (Id id, TArgs &&... args)
 Add a node of type node_t to the graph.
template<typename T1, typename... Tn>
requires is_node_v<std::remove_reference_t<T1>> && (is_node_v<std::remove_reference_t<Tn>> && ...)
void addNodes (T1 &&node, Tn &&... nodes)
TrafficLightmakeTrafficLight (Id const nodeId, Delay const cycleTime, Delay const counter=0)
 Convert an existing node to a traffic light.
RoundaboutmakeRoundabout (Id nodeId)
 Convert an existing node into a roundabout.
StochasticStreetmakeStochasticStreet (Id streetId, double const flowRate)
void makeSpireStreet (Id streetId)
 Convert an existing street into a spire street.
StationmakeStation (Id nodeId, const unsigned int managementTime)
 Convert an existing node into a station.
template<typename edge_t, typename... TArgs>
requires (std::is_base_of_v<Street, edge_t>, std::constructible_from<edge_t, Id, TArgs...>)
edge_t & addEdge (Id id, TArgs &&... args)
 Add an edge of type edge_t to the graph.
void addStreet (std::unique_ptr< Street > street)
 Add a street to the graph.
void addStreet (const Street &street)
 Add a street to the graph.
template<typename T1>
requires is_street_v<std::remove_reference_t<T1>>
void addStreets (T1 &&street)
template<typename T1, typename... Tn>
requires is_street_v<std::remove_reference_t<T1>> && (is_street_v<std::remove_reference_t<Tn>> && ...)
void addStreets (T1 &&street, Tn &&... streets)
const SparseMatrix< bool > & adjMatrix () const
 Get the graph's adjacency matrix.
size_t nNodes () const
 Get the graph's number of nodes.
const std::unordered_map< Id, std::unique_ptr< Node > > & nodeSet () const
 Get the graph's node map.
std::unordered_map< Id, std::unique_ptr< Node > > & nodeSet ()
 Get the graph's node map.
const std::unique_ptr< Node > & node (Id id) const
 Get a node from the graph.
size_t nEdges () const
 Get the Graph's number of streets.
const std::unordered_map< Id, std::unique_ptr< Street > > & streetSet () const
 Get the graph's street map.
std::unordered_map< Id, std::unique_ptr< Street > > & streetSet ()
 Get the graph's street map.
const std::unique_ptr< Street > & street (Id id) const
 Get a street from the graph.
const std::unique_ptr< Street > * street (Id source, Id destination) const
 Get a street from the graph.
const std::unique_ptr< Street > * oppositeStreet (Id streetId) const
 Get the opposite street of a street in the graph.
unsigned long long maxCapacity () const
 Get the maximum agent capacity.
template<typename Func = std::function<double(const Graph*, Id, Id)>>
requires (std::is_same_v<std::invoke_result_t<Func, const Graph*, Id, Id>, double>)
std::optional< DijkstraResult > shortestPath (const Node &source, const Node &destination, Func f=streetLength) const
 Get the shortest path between two nodes using dijkstra algorithm.
template<typename Func = std::function<double(const Graph*, Id, Id)>>
requires (std::is_same_v<std::invoke_result_t<Func, const Graph*, Id, Id>, double>)
std::optional< DijkstraResult > shortestPath (Id source, Id destination, Func f=streetLength) const
 Get the shortest path between two nodes using dijkstra algorithm.

Detailed Description

The Graph class represents a graph in the network.

Template Parameters
Id,Thetype of the graph's id. It must be an unsigned integral type.
Size,Thetype of the graph's capacity. It must be an unsigned integral type.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Graph() [1/2]

dsm::Graph::Graph ( const SparseMatrix< bool > & adj)

Construct a new Graph object.

adjAn adjacency matrix made by a SparseMatrix representing the graph's adjacency matrix

◆ Graph() [2/2]

dsm::Graph::Graph ( const std::unordered_map< Id, std::unique_ptr< Street > > & streetSet)

Construct a new Graph object.

streetSetA map of streets representing the graph's streets

Member Function Documentation

◆ addEdge()

template<typename edge_t, typename... TArgs>
requires (std::is_base_of_v<Street, edge_t>, std::constructible_from<edge_t, Id, TArgs...>)
edge_t & dsm::Graph::addEdge ( Id id,
TArgs &&... args )

Add an edge of type edge_t to the graph.

edgeA std::unique_ptr to the edge to add
argsThe edge's arguments to forward to the constructor
A reference to the added edge

◆ addNode() [1/2]

template<typename node_t, typename... TArgs>
requires (std::is_base_of_v<Node, node_t>, std::constructible_from<node_t, Id, TArgs...>)
node_t & dsm::Graph::addNode ( Id id,
TArgs &&... args )

Add a node of type node_t to the graph.

idThe node's id
argsThe node's arguments to forward to the constructor
A reference to the added node

◆ addNode() [2/2]

void dsm::Graph::addNode ( std::unique_ptr< Node > node)

Add a node to the graph.

nodeA std::unique_ptr to the node to add

◆ addStreet() [1/2]

void dsm::Graph::addStreet ( const Street & street)

Add a street to the graph.

streetA reference to the street to add

◆ addStreet() [2/2]

void dsm::Graph::addStreet ( std::unique_ptr< Street > street)

Add a street to the graph.

streetA std::unique_ptr to the street to add

◆ adjMatrix()

const SparseMatrix< bool > & dsm::Graph::adjMatrix ( ) const

Get the graph's adjacency matrix.

A std::shared_ptr to the graph's adjacency matrix

◆ adjustNodeCapacities()

void dsm::Graph::adjustNodeCapacities ( )

Adjust the nodes' transport capacity.

The nodes' capacity is adjusted using the graph's streets transport capacity, which may vary basing on the number of lanes. The node capacity will be set to the sum of the incoming streets' transport capacity.

◆ buildAdj()

void dsm::Graph::buildAdj ( )

Build the graph's adjacency matrix and computes max capacity.

The adjacency matrix is built using the graph's streets and nodes. N.B.: The street ids are reassigned using the max node id, i.e. newStreetId = srcId * n + dstId, where n is the max node id.

◆ exportCoordinates()

void dsm::Graph::exportCoordinates ( std::string const & path = "./coordinates.csv")

Export the nodes' coordinates to a file.

pathThe path to the file to export the nodes' coordinates to (default: ./nodes.dsm)

◆ exportMatrix()

void dsm::Graph::exportMatrix ( std::string path = "./matrix.dsm",
bool isAdj = true )

Export the graph's adjacency matrix to a file.

pathThe path to the file to export the adjacency matrix to (default: ./matrix.dsm)
isAdjA boolean value indicating if the file contains the adjacency matrix or the distance matrix.
std::invalid_argumentif the file is not found or invalid

◆ importCoordinates()

void dsm::Graph::importCoordinates ( const std::string & fileName)

Import the graph's nodes from a file.

fileNameThe name of the file to import the nodes from.
std::invalid_argumentif the file is not found, invalid or the format is not supported

The file format is deduced from the file extension. Currently only .dsm files are supported. The first input number is the number of nodes, followed by the coordinates of each node. In the i-th row of the file, the (i - 1)-th node's coordinates are expected.

◆ importMatrix()

void dsm::Graph::importMatrix ( const std::string & fileName,
bool isAdj = true,
double defaultSpeed = 13.8888888889 )

Import the graph's adjacency matrix from a file. If the file is not of a supported format, it will read the file as a matrix with the first two elements being the number of rows and columns and the following elements being the matrix elements.

fileNameThe name of the file to import the adjacency matrix from.
isAdjA boolean value indicating if the file contains the adjacency matrix or the distance matrix.
defaultSpeedThe default speed limit for the streets
std::invalid_argumentif the file is not found or invalid The matrix format is deduced from the file extension. Currently only .dsm files are supported.

◆ importOSMEdges()

void dsm::Graph::importOSMEdges ( const std::string & fileName)

Import the graph's streets from a file.

fileNameThe name of the file to import the streets from.
std::invalid_argumentif the file is not found, invalid or the format is not supported

◆ importOSMNodes()

void dsm::Graph::importOSMNodes ( const std::string & fileName)

Import the graph's nodes from a file.

fileNameThe name of the file to import the nodes from.
std::invalid_argumentif the file is not found, invalid or the format is not supported

◆ makeRoundabout()

Roundabout & dsm::Graph::makeRoundabout ( Id nodeId)

Convert an existing node into a roundabout.

nodeIdThe id of the node to convert to a roundabout
A reference to the roundabout
std::invalid_argumentif the node does not exist

◆ makeSpireStreet()

void dsm::Graph::makeSpireStreet ( Id streetId)

Convert an existing street into a spire street.

streetIdThe id of the street to convert to a spire street
std::invalid_argumentif the street does not exist

◆ makeStation()

Station & dsm::Graph::makeStation ( Id nodeId,
const unsigned int managementTime )

Convert an existing node into a station.

nodeIdThe id of the node to convert to a station
managementTimeThe station's management time
A reference to the station
std::invalid_argumentif the node does not exist

◆ makeTrafficLight()

TrafficLight & dsm::Graph::makeTrafficLight ( Id const nodeId,
Delay const cycleTime,
Delay const counter = 0 )

Convert an existing node to a traffic light.

nodeIdThe id of the node to convert to a traffic light
cycleTimeThe traffic light's cycle time
counterThe traffic light's counter initial value. Default is 0
A reference to the traffic light
std::invalid_argumentif the node does not exist

◆ maxCapacity()

unsigned long long dsm::Graph::maxCapacity ( ) const

Get the maximum agent capacity.

unsigned long long The maximum agent capacity of the graph

◆ nEdges()

size_t dsm::Graph::nEdges ( ) const

Get the Graph's number of streets.

size_t The number of streets in the graph

◆ nNodes()

size_t dsm::Graph::nNodes ( ) const

Get the graph's number of nodes.

size_t The number of nodes in the graph

◆ node()

const std::unique_ptr< Node > & dsm::Graph::node ( Id id) const

Get a node from the graph.

idThe node's id

◆ nodeSet() [1/2]

std::unordered_map< Id, std::unique_ptr< Node > > & dsm::Graph::nodeSet ( )

Get the graph's node map.

A std::unordered_map containing the graph's nodes

◆ nodeSet() [2/2]

const std::unordered_map< Id, std::unique_ptr< Node > > & dsm::Graph::nodeSet ( ) const

Get the graph's node map.

A std::unordered_map containing the graph's nodes

◆ oppositeStreet()

const std::unique_ptr< Street > * dsm::Graph::oppositeStreet ( Id streetId) const

Get the opposite street of a street in the graph.

streetIdThe id of the street
std::invalid_argumentif the street does not exist
A std::unique_ptr to the street if it exists, nullptr otherwise

◆ shortestPath() [1/2]

template<typename Func>
requires (std::is_same_v<std::invoke_result_t<Func, const Graph*, Id, Id>, double>)
std::optional< DijkstraResult > dsm::Graph::shortestPath ( const Node & source,
const Node & destination,
Func f = streetLength ) const

Get the shortest path between two nodes using dijkstra algorithm.

sourceThe source node
destinationThe destination node
A DijkstraResult object containing the path and the distance

◆ shortestPath() [2/2]

template<typename Func>
requires (std::is_same_v<std::invoke_result_t<Func, const Graph*, Id, Id>, double>)
std::optional< DijkstraResult > dsm::Graph::shortestPath ( Id source,
Id destination,
Func f = streetLength ) const

Get the shortest path between two nodes using dijkstra algorithm.

sourceThe source node id
destinationThe destination node id
A DijkstraResult object containing the path and the distance

◆ street() [1/2]

const std::unique_ptr< Street > & dsm::Graph::street ( Id id) const

Get a street from the graph.

idThe street's id

◆ street() [2/2]

const std::unique_ptr< Street > * dsm::Graph::street ( Id source,
Id destination ) const

Get a street from the graph.

sourceThe source node
destinationThe destination node
A std::unique_ptr to the street if it exists, nullptr otherwise

◆ streetSet() [1/2]

std::unordered_map< Id, std::unique_ptr< Street > > & dsm::Graph::streetSet ( )

Get the graph's street map.

A std::unordered_map containing the graph's streets

◆ streetSet() [2/2]

const std::unordered_map< Id, std::unique_ptr< Street > > & dsm::Graph::streetSet ( ) const

Get the graph's street map.

A std::unordered_map containing the graph's streets

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